The training – begins!

My friend has noticed on my Facebook feed that I’ve started running relatively often and asked me to join her for the Helsinki City Marathon that will take place on 12.08.2017 in Finland.

And of course I said yes! This would be my first race ever, and marathon is a long…. long… 42km long run (at least in my world it’s super mega crazy long).

So today I went to do a ‘test’ run. My friends comment “if you can run a half marathon, you can run the entire thing” was stuck in my head, so I kept running.

I did 20km and I felt like I’m going to die.

At least now I know I have to start training, and probably find online marathon training sheets.

I can usually run 10km in less than 1 hour, but the road wasn’t runner-friendly.

So I had to run slowly, jump over muddy puddles and avoid the ice.

But scenery was nice, and I have never ran to these places before:

After the run, my shoes were all wet and covered in mud, as well as my legs and socks.

I want to be able to run much faster, so I need to plan different runs and exercises to be able to do so.

That’s all for now. I’m going to start searching the web for training plans, exercises and food recipes. 🙂



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