Running in dark

I’ve just returned from a late run. My 10k run took place on road and forest trail. There are no any street lights and it gets literally pitch black.

Wearing a head torch, I’ve managed to complete the run, but there are few things I’ve learned from this run, that even I need to improve for the next time.

  1. Visibility: check your gear, and make sure you have 360 degrees reflection.  Your reflectors might be as thin stripes/dots/various shapes on your jacket and pants. Wearing a reflecting vest is another option making sure you are seen. Doesn’t matter are you running in the city with street lights or not, it’s for your own safety.
  2. Head torch: From personal experience, I recommend investing in quality torch, that lights up big time and doesn’t move around on your head or feel uncomfortable when wearing it. You won’t see far, but with better light you can spot puddles or bumps.
  3. Stay motivated and brave: When you are unable to see far, the run can start to feel to take for ever. Or you might even get scared of empty roads and darkness. Just try to think of something positive – the run will be over soon!



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